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Calzo JP, Roberts AL, Corliss HL, Blood EA, Kroshus E, Austin SB. Physical activity disparities in heterosexual and sexual minority youth ages 12-22 years old: roles of childhood gender nonconformity and athletic self-esteem. Ann Behav Med. 2014;47(1):17-27. PMC3945417. Available from:

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Charlton BM, Corliss HL, Missmer SA, Frazier AL, Rosario M, Kahn JA, et al. Influence of hormonal contraceptive use and health beliefs on sexual orientation disparities in Papanicolaou test use. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(2):319-325. PMC3935712. Available from:

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Hatzenbuehler ML, Jun HJ, Corliss HL, Austin SB. Structural stigma and cigarette smoking in a prospective cohort study of sexual minority and heterosexual youth. Ann Behav Med. 2014;47(1):48-56. PMC3945734. Available from:

Katz-Wise SL, Jun HJ, Corliss HL, Jackson B, Haines J, Austin SB. Child abuse as a predictor of gendered sexual orientation disparities in body mass index trajectories among U.S. youth from the Growing Up Today Study. J Adolesc Health. 2014;54(6):730-738. PMC4035383. Available from:

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Roberts AL, Galea S, Austin SB, Corliss HL, Williams MA, Koenen KC. Women’s experience of abuse in childhood and their children’s smoking and overweight. Am J Prev Med. 2014;46(3):249-258. PMC3962663. Available from:

Roberts AL, Rosario M, Calzo JP, Corliss HL, Frazier L, Austin SB. Masculine boys, feminine girls, and cancer risk behaviors: an 11-year longitudinal study. J Adolesc Health. 2014;55(3):373-379. PMC4143439. Available from:

Rosario M, Reisner SL, Corliss HL, Wypij D, Calzo J, Austin SB. Sexual-orientation disparities in substance use in emerging adults: a function of stress and attachment paradigms. Psychol Addict Behav. 2014;28(3):790-804. PMC4203310. Available from:

Rosario M, Reisner SL, Corliss HL, Wypij D, Frazier AL, Austin SB. Disparities in depressive distress by sexual orientation in emerging adults: the roles of attachment and stress paradigms. Arch Sex Behav. 2014;43(5):901-916. PMC4184030. Available from:

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